US Stock Service

"This is an exceptional service and should be in every traders toolbox. Thank you for the great service!" C.C., USA
We have been delivering our stockmarket research for over 20 years in order to highlight suitable trading and investment ideas for clients.
Daily Market Report & Trading Ideas
The Market Report is delivered each morning (before the open) and provides market timing, sector and stock ideas. We display relevant charts and technical commentary. These ideas are reflected in model portfolios which include large cap, mid cap and small cap portfolios, together with a bear portfolio.
We utilise our short term composite indicator to assist in short term market timing
The Short term Composite Indicator was developed by Investors Intelligence during the 1960's, this is a valuable tool for short term market timing; when the indicator registers a reading above 70 the general index has become overbought and when registering below 30 is become oversold. The indicator is most useful when registering extreme readings following major moves, which sometimes register readings of 100% on the upside and 0% on the downside.
All stocks, indices, sectors and analysis are available to subscribers on
The service costs $519 per annum - subscribe here.
Click here to subscribe to US Stocks / Market Timing combination for only $760 per annum