US Market Timing
"This is an exceptional service and should be in every traders toolbox. Thank you for the great service!" C.C., USA
The market Timing Service analyses various indicators to determine the likely strength or otherwise of the general market. Please see example provided of the success that the combination of market timing indicators has had in recent volatile markets. The service is designed to help investors in their analysis of the general level of exposure they should have to the market, rather than just rely on a “Buy and Hold” strategy
The various studies try to anticipate rather than follow trends: our analysis does not just rely on the study of current market trends. Our techniques are contrarian studies and therefore lead to early and timely signals of market trend change.
We provide daily research modules: the daily modular format allows us not only to report any significant market timing signals, but to analyze the results of our disciplines in daily rotation, in a clear and logical manner. These dailies are summarized in the Weekly review
- Buying/Selling Climaxes: large numbers of Buying or Selling reversal signals across the market frequently provide an early indication of a change in trend for the market as a whole.
- Industry Group Analysis: by studying the trend breadth in the underlying industry groups, we can understand whether Industry readings are suggesting either sector shifts in the market or telling in aggregate of likely Index trend change
- Advisors’ Sentiment Report: this survey has been widely adopted by the investment community as a contrary indicator and is followed closely by the financial media. Since its inception in 1963, our indicator has had a consistent record for predicting the major market turning points. It is a contrarian indicator looking for either extreme Bullish or extreme Bearish readings which tend to coincide with tops or bottoms in the market
- Sector Analysis: we identify sector trends and potential rotations between sectors. This analysis looks to identify leadership and also determine the general health of a market.
- The Weekly Review: each week we draw together the findings from the research modules and suggest a market outlook for the week ahead and possibly the longer term.
- This service includes online access to charts, indicators and automated point and figure signals
The service costs $519 per annum - subscribe here.
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